Apricot Moon: Held Hostage By a Ghost
Paris (author)
100 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 1425930344
Language: English
Publish: 1147417200000
Ann called her assistant at the office to schedule the flight to Paris¿ her… passion, A Gazelle, upon mountaintops.It was probably just a coincidence; she knew no one in Paris.Her mind raced quickly to the ghost encounters.After she sat the notebooks and laptop down on the conference table, she pulled eight agendas from her briefcase. She had many items and almost weighed down. She looked across the room; there she saw a group of women and one big, tall, easy, smiling gentleman with blue-green eyes. He was wearing a white shirt and brown suit. He looked casual and very well-groomed. His smile was a wide as the ocean and his blue-green eyes were just as deep!He turned and smiled at Ann, and introduced himself with a nod. He was Alexander – the manager who Jeff spoke about yesterday, but he did not say much about Alexander either.Everyone got a cup of coffee and chatted briefly. Alexander’s eyes never left AnnLove stories mostly begin with two people. Mostly that is. Fate had struck!Hues of apricot, and pomegranates filled with overlays of colors of the sky cast shadows around the room, a “hint” of vanilla surrounding the angel-like figure moving swiftly down the hall!Shortly, something across the room caught her eye!I can never see you again. Love Always, Ben…The family must have known….Ann was shocked.