Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman’s Poems, Poetry & Essays
Katharine Graham
148 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 0970397402
Language: English
Publish: December 1, 2002
A book for all seasons that defies ordinary genres of poetry and essay. In 2002, Katherine Graham, Esq., a retired attorney, mother, wife, and daughter decided to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth from a break-the-mold female perspective as a whistle-blower for all struggling and oppressed groups from children to the elderly, whom she encountered during her legal career and whose voices fell upon those in power unwilling to listen. A passionate tour de force and ironically more relevant today than its debut in 2002 – a book anyone can read effortlessly in an hour or two…while leaving perhaps chinks of light during the darkest of nights never to be forgotten.